Ultra Wide Band Radio Technology And Its Application
modulation, mobile computing, receiving wire, antenna, ultrawide band & radio technology, UWBR, UWB, UW, radio technologyAbstract
In this paper, Ultra Wide Band radio technology has been presented. It's one among the longer term technologies for mobile communication. It's used for measuring the heart beat position modulation of very short duration pulses which ends up during a PSD. However, it's broad over from 1 GHz beginning to from DC. Also, it's only a couple of µW per MHz. This special feature makes it immune to jamming which might be a key requirement for mobile computing. During the course of study, the wide bandwidth or very short pulses, which is simpler to fight multipath effect has been studied. Also the signal features a higher penetrating power that creates it suitable for our purposes aside from simple digital communication, like Ground Penetrating Radar, Position locator inside a building.