Microbes & US (E-Magazine)


  • Dr. Swapna Mukherjee


Lab Insights, Petri-Art, Cross – Word, Creative Strokes, Micro-Laugh, Through the Lens


I extend a very warm welcome to all the readers of the e-Magazine “Microbes and Us” published by the Department of Microbiology of our college. Education is not an act of acquiring knowledge but learning a skill to lead life and forming one’s personality. We, in the Department of Microbiology, focus on discovering, developing and dragging out the hidden talent lying inside our students. Through various activities all year round, we create an environment for future academicians, leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals who possess skills and aptitudes in an array of functional disciplines. We motivate our students to learn, to think and to express their mind and thus, to become a productive member of this ever changing global society. This magazine is not just a collection of articles, notes and news or scientific activities that we curate but a perfect resume of what the Department of Microbiology truly stands for. I congratulate the entire editorial team for their tireless work and the contributors for taking one step ahead on publishing this magazine. I extend my sincere gratitude to our Principal, Dr. Somnath Mukhopadhyay and IQAC coordinator, Dr. Joy Sarkar for their encouragement and support. We hope you enjoy reading this e-Magazine as much as we did in creating it.


