An Assessment on Organic Pollution Level From Different Sources Of Water Bodies At Buxar District, Bihar


  • Dr. Govind Kumar
  • Ravinish Prasad


Physico-chemical parameters, Different water sources, organic pollution, Buxar, Bihar


Any water body is characterized by its physico-chemical parameters. These parameters decide the water quality of that water body and also indicate the organic pollution level. The recent research was carried out to investigate the organic pollution level from different water samples of different water bodies at Buxar district, Bihar. For this purpose, 20 water samples viz. river Karamnasa (5 samples), river Ganga (5 samples), municipal sewage water (5 samples) and tube well water (5 samples) were collected from different localities. All the samples were subjected to analyse water quality parameters like pH, DO, BOD, COD and Chloride by standard method of APHA. The result obtained through this research describes that municipal sewage water is maximum organically polluted as BOD level is maximum i.e, 7.2 mg/l to 9.6 mg/l while tube well water least polluted as BOD level is least i.e, 1.4 mg/l to 1.9 mg/l.





