Diversity and Variability of India’s Rainfed Farming


  • Dr. V. Kalaiselvi


Decentralised Support, Agro-ecological system, Farming community, Productivity, Variability, Diversity


In this study focuses on Diversity and variability of India’s arable land is under rain fed farming. Agricultural research and extension, and commercial ventures are designed to supply ‘one-size-fits-all’ technologies, inputs and advice through uniform administrative apparatus or market protocols. This approach limits their capacity to work with the diversity and variability of rain fed agriculture. But with support that complements the variable nature of rain fed farming tracts, communities can improve farm productivity and sustainability. Farming community reclaiming its knowledge of variability through the revival of mixed cropping and millet production. We argue that decentralised support, with public investments appropriate to each agro-ecological system. In this context, pertaining the study of   drying tube-wells and land degradation appearing in the national dailies, we need an overhaul of the policy and support systems for rain fed agriculture, moving from the prevalent approach of uniform disbursement or supply, to one that acknowledges the value of variability and respects local agronomic principles and practices to improving agriculture sector.





