Exploring The Factors That Influencing Digital Marketing and Their Impact On Purchase Intention Towards Personal Care Products in Chennai
Digital Marketing, Purchase Intention, Personal Care Products, Quality of Information, Active Interaction, Sharing of Content, ConvenienceAbstract
In the rapid advances and dynamic changes in the online marketing strategies, digital marketing is dramatically becoming an important aspect in promoting the products and services of the businessorganizations.Digital Marketing is nowadays playing a vital role in influencing the consumers’ buying behaviourtowards any type of products and services.Thisstudy is conducted to analyse the consumers’ perception on themajor factors that influencing Digital Marketing and their impact on Purchase Intention towards Personal Care Products in Chennai district. The study is exploratory in nature and the sample was collected from 125 consumers who are using various digital media (such as Social Networking Sites, namely, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Search Engines, etc.) for searching and buying the personal care products and residing in various parts of Chennai district of Tamil Nadu. The primary data was gathered by distributing structured questionnaire through convenience sampling method, a type of probability sampling method.
The study applied both descriptive and inferential statistical tools for data analysis. Independent Sample ‘t’ test, Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to test the hypotheses. The research revealed that all the four independent variables (factors that influencing Digital Marketing) strongly influence the Purchase Intention of consumers towards personal care products. Out of four independent variables, ‘Sharing of Content’ predicts more and “Quality of Information” contributes lesser in predicting Purchase Intention of consumers than others. Female consumers have more perception on the major factors that influencing the Digital Marketing and purchase intention than male consumers with respect to personal care products. The study suggests that management of digital marketing organizations and the manufacturers/traders of personal care products should increase the effectiveness of the digital marketing activities by improving the quality of content and increasing the active interaction among the users/consumers.